

“My work explores the relationship between the universality of myth and UFO sightings.  

“With influences as diverse as Wittgenstein and John Cage, new combinations are generated from both explicit and implicit dialogues.

“Ever since I was a pre-adolescent I have been fascinated by the essential unreality of relationships. What starts out as hope soon becomes corrupted into a carnival of lust, leaving only a sense of decadence and the unlikelihood of a new synthesis. 

“As temporal derivatives become distorted through frantic and diverse practice, the viewer is left with a statement of the edges of our world.”

(above statement provided courtesy artybollocks.com)

Actually, the above bollocks wouldn’t be too far off even if it weren’t randomly generated. I am fascinated by myth and pop culture, by archtypes and ghosts and machines and space creatures. I am not sure my work exactly presents any of these themes but I can tell you I think about these things all the time. My hand twitches out marks keeping time to songs in my head of heroes and monsters.

I think in a symbolic visual language. As I age, the more aware I become of how I scoot symbols around in my brain in an effort to create meaning. I am locked in conflict between academic art principles and a more primal need for visual expression. The struggle comes down to translating the latter (is not art, but is exciting) into the former (is art, but is boring).

The following are associated ideas and influences that, if presented as bullet points, might pass for coherent and credible. As it stands, it is likely gibberish and as such welcome to my brain: 70s Color Field painters, drawing and painting from life, San Francisco Figurative School, line/volume/mass, outsider art, Art and Human Values (Rader/Jessup, Prentice-Hall, 1976), Helen Frankenthaler was a better painter than Robert Motherwell, color as/is a spatial force, historical context for the generation and presentation of one’s own work, Clement Greenburg was a twat, aesthetic emotional response (is not an 80s dance band), damn I wish Eva Hesse and Jean-Michel Basquiat were still alive, fire, truth of/in materials, food.

I got my B.A. from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA in 1989. I also worked there as the printmaking studio assistant and taught Adult Education classes in Intaglio techniques. In the 1990’s I worked from my studio space in Seattle and did prints at Pratt Fine Arts Center. I am currently a enjoying printmaking at Platetone.